Our Jever Suite (45 square metres) is the largest suite in the Beach Motel SPO - naturally with an absolutely North German living flair. There are two rooms on the upper level: a bedroom and a cosy reading corner with a wall of books and sofa bed.
On the lower floor, a large living area awaits you and the highlight of the suite: your own Jever tap! Come home after a long day at the beach, tap a cool beer and head out onto the balcony to enjoy the last rays of sunshine and the sound of the sea. The Frisian brewery in Jever has also thought of a small bar counter with the necessary equipment.
And to make sure you don't miss out on the wellness factor, you'll receive a small wellness care package with your bath to try out the soothing natural cosmetics from Oceanwell. The package contains: Lotion (15 ml), sea bath (15 ml) & a moisturising cream (5 ml). You can get a refill for €12 at reception in the Ocean Spa.
Pure relaxation!
By the way: The Jever Suite is located on the 2nd floor of the "Key West" building. This building does not have a lift. You can only get to your room via stairs!